Sunday, August 29, 2010


My baby started 4th grade this week.


How about my other baby started middle school this week…


Or maybe my oldest baby started HIGH SCHOOL this week…


NO no no. This can’t be true. It makes me feel so old. So very very old. I remember my first day of high school like it was….well-like it was 18 years ago.


That’s not right. It can’t be right.

(I’m 32-my age freshman year = wtf???!!!!)

Ok…so I FEEL like it was yesterday.

Where did the days go???…where did the years go???..where did my babies go?

I thought I would be a mess the first day. A big old sack of weeping emotion. But I was ok. Because my girls are studs.

My baby marched right onto that 4th grade playground…and demanded I leave. I still snapped pictures-because that’s what parents do…

Then my other baby marched right into middle school…and found a friend and ignored us…cuz that’s what pre-teens do…

And then our oldest marched right into high school…and demanded that we not leave our car…and we didn’t…cuz that’s what parents do I guess…..

My baby…my oldest….in HIGH SCHOOL- with seniors…who can DRIVE and VOTE and SMOKE and serve in the military..and have babies!

I told MY baby that maybe I was so tripped out about her going into high school because I entered high school a lowly nerd…with a big perm and even bigger rose tinted Sally Jessie glasses….and I left high school a breast feeding mother of a two month old.

My nephew—god bless him—told my baby that the moral of that story was don’t be a nerd …

cuz nerds get pregnant.

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